An excursion from Hamelin to Hanover

S-Bahn trains run between Hamelin and Hanover almost every half hour. The journey only takes about 50 minutes and you are already standing in the pedestrian zone of Lower Saxony’s state capital. And there is plenty to see and experience.

What to do during a day trip to Hannover:

  • A stroll through the pedestrian zone. Hanover offers a rich selection for shopping enthusiasts.
  • A visit to the Old Town (Altstadtviertel around the Marktkirche) with its many half-timbered houses, nice cafés and pretty boutiques.
  • A guided tour of the old town is also worthwhile. You’ll quickly learn everything you need to know.
  • An absolute top spot is the Herrenhäuser Gardens. Friends of baroque gardens worth seeing will get their money’s worth. The Herrenhausen Gardens cover an area of 50 hectares. Good shoes are recommended.
  • And of course, a visit to the Maschsee lake is not to be missed. Rent a boat, sunbathe, cycle or simply stroll. A maritime experience in Lower Saxony.

A short holiday in Hameln is never boring.

To the sights in Hannover


Much to experience in Hameln and the surrounding area

Excursion tip: Bad Münder am Deister

Bad Münder am Deister is only 20 km away from Hotel Stadt Hameln. With the S-Bahn line 5, the journey from Hameln station takes only 20 minutes.

An excursion from Hamelin to Hanover

A nice day trip from Hamelin to Hanover. Shop, enjoy and see lots of new things. The trip only takes about 50 minutes.

The 10 best tips for the summer in Hameln

Here are our 10 best tips for a summer's day in Hamelin and the surrounding area:

Hamelin on the German Fairytale Route

Hameln liegt an der Deutschen Märchenstraße und Märchenliebhaber finden auf dieser Route malerische Landschaften, romantische Geschichten und fabelhafte Veranstaltungen.

Cycle tour from Hamelin to Rinteln

An easy cycle tour on the Weser Cycle Path to Rinteln. 29,7 km ride and an exciting sightseeing programme.

By canoe on the Weser

A special excursion tip is a trip by canoe from Grohnde downstream to Hamelin.

Circular cycling routes in Hamelin

Hamelin is the starting point for cycling tours. Our tip for today is the cycle circuit Hameln - Barntrup - Bad Pyrmont - Hameln.

A visit to Schwöbber Castle

From Hotel Stadt Hameln to Schwöbber Castle it is - depending on the route - between 10 or 15 km.

Osterwald Visitor Mine and Museum

It is only half an hour's drive (29 km) from Hotel Stadt Hameln to the Osterstollen visitor mine in Salzhemmendor

9 Things You Should Know About Hameln’s Old Town

Even if you are actually on the Weser Cycle Path, you should take time for the old town of Hameln. 10 things worth knowing about Hameln's old town

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