The prices at Hotel Stadt Hameln vary according to room category, travel time and duration of the journey. You will always find the best possible offer for your travel time in our online booking. Here you usually have a choice of different rates.
From 4 nights, you save 5% off the room rate.
From 6 nights on you save 10% of the room rate
Book at least 28 days before your arrival and benefit from the early bird rate. You save 10% of the room rate. But please note: this rate cannot be changed, modified or cancelled and must be paid 100% at the time of booking.
Short trip offers are always a special bargain. Short trip offers are available at selected times and include at least 2 nights of accommodation.
Click here for the short trip offers
From a minimum of 10 adults, we will make you particularly attractive offers. This makes the trip with the club, the cyclist group or the extended family a particularly inexpensive pleasure.
Here you can find your contact person for tourist group travel.
In some rooms we can also accommodate pets. Maximum one animal per room. We charge 20 € per night for additional cleaning.
At selected holiday times, book fine bargains here on this website. Book 4 and pay 3 means the cheapest night is free.
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